What is the output of the following code snippet? #include <stdio.h> void main(){ printf("%d",(12%2)); } Output: 0 Explanation: % is the mod operator in c, which is used to find remainder of an integer division.
match..case statement in PYTHON The latest Python starting from Python 3.10, a match..case structure has been introduced as an alternative to switch..case in other languages. Syntax: match term : case pattern - 1 : action - 1 case pattern - 2 : action - 2 case pattern - 3 : action - 3 .... .... case pattern-n: action-n case _ : default-action statement - x If any pattern (pattern-1, pattern-2, pattern-3, ..., pattern-n) starting from pattern-1 is matched with the term, then the corresponding action will be performed, and after that, the statement following the match..case will execute. i.e., statement-x. If none of the patterns match, case ...
PYTHON - OFFICIAL WEBSITE, LATEST VERSION, REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION www.python.org is the official website address for PYTHON Python 3.10.4 is the latest version and it was introduced on March 24th 2022 Python 3.9+ versions cannot be used with Windows 7 or earlier versions. INSTALLATION OF PYTHON 3.10.4
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